Email question – for women

Please fill in the form below and I will reply within 24 hours with a personal and detailed response.
Only the basic questions are mandatory . Try and fill in as many of the other questions that you can.  This will help me to give you a full and considered answer.  Very important  – do check that you’ve given me your correct email address.
All information is dealt with in the strictest confidence and is never shared with anyone else.

I'm sorry that I cannot offer email consultations to people who are living abroad or under 18.
If you are expereincing any symptoms that are urgent please call NHS 111 or present yourself at a GP or hospital.
Please state whwther you have any cardio, pulmondary or metabolic issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes. If none write NONE
Include such items as breathlessness, feeling cold, weak or dizzy. Also rashes, hair loss or loss of libido. If none write NONE.
Please list prescribed or over the counter medications and any supplements that you take.
Kilograms or Stones and/or Pounds
Centimetres or Feet and Inches
Price: £10.00
I charge a single payment of £10.00 to respond to your email query. Expect a detailed personal response within 24 hours.
Payments are collected via square.

Thank you – you should receive an acknowledgement immediately in your inbox.

If you have any problems please email or phone me using the contact details below.